Institut of Agricultural Research for Development

IRAD has its headquartered in Nkolbisson (Cameroon). With the help of its international partners, it has gained extensive experience in the management of research activities related to food and cocoa based agroforestry systems.

Role and involvement in preparing the proposed action

Several researchers of IRAD have been involved since the very beginning of the development of the proposal in discussing the objectives and content of the proposal through several physical group meetings, email communications over the period of February to April 2011, as well as weekly Internet communications with CIRAD partners in Montpellier, France and Antananarivo, Madagascar . IRAD provided extensive specific input into the development of activities in WP 3 and 4 and suggestions for partnerships for all WPs, in the context of the Collaborative Research Platform on Agroforestry Systems, the ‘PCP Agroforesterie Cameroun’, of which University of Yaoundé I and University of Dschang are also partners, as well as budgetary information for all work packages.

Role and involvement in implementing the proposed action

IRAD researchers will have primary responsibility for the management and implementation of all WP activities in Cameroon. Several of them, especially in WP3 will be implemented jointly by IRAD and Cameroon-based CIRAD researchers. Most of WP4 activities including research on nutritional and food storage properties as well as processing of safou and its marketing will be led by IRAD researchers with partial support from CIRAD in Cameroon. The development of methodologies for activities in WP2 will be led by the Montpellier-based CIRAD team, and implemented by IRAD , Yaoundé I and Dschang researchers.

Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role in the implementation of the proposed action

  • Integrated Management of arabica coffee berry disease (CBD-RESIST), INCO-Coffee, 2004-2007
  • Innovation and local knowledge in humid forest ecosystem management practices of West and Central Africa (Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea); Promotion du Développement Durable dans les Systèmes de Production Agricole du Sud (DURAS), November 2005-March 2008.
  • Evaluation of cocoa-based agroforestry systems in Fond de Solidarité Prioritaire (FSP) Regional project : Sustainable and Competitive systems in Africa (Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Côte d’Ivoire), 2003-2006.
  • Diagnostic of fruit production activities in agricultural smallholder farming systems in FSP National Project for the Reinforcement of Partnerships in Agronomic Research in Cameroon (REPARAC), 2004-2010.
  • Optimizing ecological mechanisms for the improvement of cocoa pest and disease control and agrosystem productivity; Action Thématique Programmée CIRAD – France, 2008-2011.

History of cooperation with the applicant

The 50-year old cooperation between IRAD and CIRAD started with the French Institutes on Cocoa and Coffee (IRCC), Fruits (IRFA) and oil palm (IRHO). CIRAD provides scientific and technical assistance to IRAD. To this end, IRAD hosts CIRAD researchers in its establishment. Reciprocally many IRAD researchers are hosted by CIRAD for training purposes. During this period, they have developed and implemented a number of projects, such as the ‘Pôle de Recherche Appliquée au Développement des Savanes d’Afrique Centrale’ (PRASAC), which is today a mainstream institution of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) (Cameroon, Chad, CAR) with the support of France; and the African Research Centre on Banana and Plantain (CARBAP) with support from the European Union and France. Currently, both IRAD and CIRAD are developing a Collaborative Research Platform on Agroforestry Systems with other national institutions in Cameroon.